Your YouTube Channel/Website Title Here

Genreal descriptions of your site will go here. Explain what your Website is about. Add the videos for your affiliate programs to this page, send us the youtube channel links, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on your Website Design. Individual links or whole channel can be added. Keywords and SEO can also be added to each video listed on the page. If you do not provide any, we will add the hashtags/SEO from your Youtube videos. Vimeo video can also be used as many brokers provide these for your promotions.

Your Keyword Content to drive affiliate sales of up to 1000 words here:

Send us a word document with your text of up to 1000 words to add to your website. This text is to drive your affilaite sales & can include affiliate links in the text. Buttons with links can also be added to this page, see example below. Buttons can include your call to action text of choice eg, “START TODAY”, “TRY IT NOW”.